High End Winstone 99 is a single threaded benchmark, meaning it only takes advantage of a single CPU in the benchmark itself. Because of this the dual processor scores weren't any faster than the single processor scores in fact, they were actually slower. This is most likely because of the added overhead of having a second processor, but the performance drop wasn't much at all.

The benchmark does show that the 133A is still able to keep up with its more expensive competitors and actually come out ahead by a small amount.


ZD's Dual Processor Inspection tests run multithreaded versions of three High End Winstone 99 applications and thus receives a nice boost from having two processors at its disposal. Once again, the 133A is just as fast as the dual 820 and just somewhat slower than the dual 840 board but much cheaper than both.

Content Creation Winstone 2000 & MPEG Encoding Dual Processor Inspection Test - A Closer Look
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