
D-Link's DHN-910 has really opened our eyes to the possibilities of the phone network. It isn't the perfect solution for everyone, though. The fast network speeds and the ease of installation make this a great kit for the user who wants to network their home of small office without spending a lot of money on infrastructure. At as low as $99.00 for the kit, would you rather fish expensive wire through walls in order to install expensive network jacks, which all connect in a central point to a (moderately) expensive hub or would you like to pop a few $2 phone jack splitters into your existing jacks and get much the same speeds?

However, if Internet connection-sharing is high on your priority list, you might want to check out some of the other kits on the market (or wait until we do). The D-Link's lack of a NAT-based solution is a real weakness in this area, so much so that it begs the question "Why did they do that?"

Either way, home phonline networking is something we're destined to see more of as the demand for a fast and easy home network solution grows. Considering the relative cost and performance of the D-Link DHN-910, HomePNA 2.0 seems to be off to a good start.

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